Planned program and submission procedure

The workshop will open with two keynote presentations Wednesday afternoon. For Thursday and Friday we plan to compose a program of up to 12 contributions selected from submitted abstracts.

We invite abstracts of up to 500 words outlining the intended contribution to the workshop, either in the form of a paper or a demonstration, to be submitted by 15 August 2018. We will make a selection from submitted contributions and notify contributors by 1 September 2018. A program of confirmed contributions will be circulated shortly thereafter.

Selected contributions are eligible for a refund of travel expenses (train ride or flight and accommodation for two nights). Additional funds are available for the publication of results in form of an edited volume and/or a special issue with an international journal. Further financial and material support can be made available for artistic performances, experiments or demonstrations (various possibilities are on hand at the ICI Berlin conference space: kitchen and dining area, lounge, e.g., there is also a bookable theater near the venue).

Please submit abstracts and any enquiries regarding the workshop to the team of organizers via email at: